Wednesday, November 10, 2010

The Reset

I've had a Reset. You know them. It's when you've been feeling thinner and healthier and better for a few weeks (because you are) and then one morning you wake up and you feel like a fat cow again.

I'm sure there's a physiological explanation for the Reset phenomenon. Something to do with the brain accepting the new weight so the new weight becomes the comfortable 'old weight'. Regardless, I woke up yesterday morning and it was like 8 kilos lighter was how I'd always been so I immediately felt like I was starting from scratch.

The Reset. Not a loser's friend.

[Image by Nania Iqbal]


MultipleMum said...

I reckon the reset is great. Allows you to leave it all behind and set new benchmarks. 8 is great! Big breath and onwards!

Diminishing Lucy said...

Reset, OR the moon and it's tides.......

As well as tracking your weight, are you tracking it in relation to your monthly cycle?


Louisa Cowan said...

OMG (I've been in America too long already haven't I? Next thing you know I'll be using BFF!) I hate the reset. It is so dishartening but I have a horrible feeling it might be telling us there is a bigger issue that needs addressing other than just the kg's?!

Cate said...

I'm with MultipleMum - I think the reset is just your body's way of getting used to the new you, and saying 'right, I'm ready for the next challenge now thank you very much!'
And don't forget those mini-goals. How are you going to celebrate 10kg?

Melissa {Suger} said...

8kg! Well done you. I must have missed that being reported bcause it was all very 'hmm whatever'. So yes, a belated congrats from me.

And the reset. Yeah, it can go either way. It is what it is or sin't or whatever.

Hungry For Living said...

Hi, I am your newest follower!